PV rooftop solar houses can earn $ from VPP.

PV rooftop solar houses can earn $ from VPP.

Virtual Power Plant (VPP) Get the most from your Battery by unlocking a passive INCOME when your Battery is used for Grid Stability ($0.55/kWh). More than feed in tariff pays!! Yes rooftop PV houses help Stabilise the Grid & get Paid for it. Win, Win. Menzies needs to get on board with VPPs. 💰 Don't miss out. Solar juggernaut rolls on. Enjoy the ride.


Has anyone costed how much in gov subsidies would be needed to roll out this many batteries. Whilst a good idea, like so many other ideas on this forum, it is merely a stop gap. To provide prosperity for future generations of Australians we need an energy grid that delivers an abundant reliable supply for domestic and industrial use. I believe this will only be achieved with large scale renewables situated at the most economically feasible locations together with nuclear.

While I do like this idea, I have equity concerns about it. It could further drive inequality as the start up cost is prohibitive, renters don't have the option, ppl in high rises, etc. Since the audience for this is our MP the solutions can be bigger than just for individuals who are already wealthy enough to own rooves and cars, and not leave people behind.

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